Drunk on You (Happy Endings Resort Book 3) Read online

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  Justin: I am in Endings Izzy. I need to see you.

  Me: Fine meet me tomorrow at High Bar. I’ll see you around 1.

  Justin: I miss you. I think about you all the time. I was so stupid.

  Me: Justin please don’t say things like that to me. You lost the right to miss me the minute you chose him. I am going to bed. We can talk tomorrow.

  I turn my phone off before he can say more. I don’t know what he wants. What does he expect from me? Does he think he can just show up here and say he was stupid and that makes his betrayal void? Life doesn’t work that way. I’m not wired that way. Once a cheater always a cheater in my book. My dad was a serial cheater. He couldn’t keep it in his pants, ever. He left my mom for his secretary when I was two. By the time I was four, he left wife number two for his new secretary after my half-brother was born. My brother and I are only two years apart.

  We were never that close growing up. He was always jealous of me for some reason; he thought I was our father’s favorite. What he never grasped was that our dad wasn’t there for either of us. The asshole who created us died with a hooker riding him. He had a heart attack. He wasn’t ever much of a father, if any. He was never around. He was always looking for the next best thing. The only thing he ever did for me was buying my car. My brother was pissed about that as well even though he got a car too, and one much nicer than mine. He got a Lexus. The fucker didn’t hear me complaining.

  Trying to shake off my bad memories, I get into bed and think about something that makes me smile instead…Luke.


  Justin texted me a few minutes ago and said he was waiting outside of High Bar for me. I pull into the parking lot and wince when I see Luke’s truck is here. I didn’t even think of him working today when I agreed to meet Justin. But then again, maybe his being here will be a good thing. Having Luke around will serve as a reminder that there are other guys in the world that think I am attractive. I haven’t talked to him since last night. I am somewhat excited to see him. I just hope things don’t get awkward between us since I told him I was left for another man. However, if he really meant what he said about being my friend then I have nothing to worry about.

  Let us get this over with, he cannot hurt and embarrass me anymore. Getting out of my car, I hold my head high with my shoulders back. No one here, other than Luke, knows what Justin did to me. How he used and humiliated me.

  I cross the street and I spot Justin easily. He is leaning against the building with one leg propped against the brick, smoking a cigarette. When did he start smoking? On the outside, he looks like that guy I grew up with, the man I loved wholeheartedly. On the inside though, I know that he is a cruel user. His good looks don’t phase me anymore. He smiles widely when he spots me. He snuffs out his smoke and runs his fingers through his perfectly tousled hair. My mind flashes to seeing Toby’s fingers gripping it hard as they kissed. I clench my jaw, trying not to let my anger get the best of me. I’ve moved on with my life and I am happy here.

  “Hey, Izzy.” He smiles sheepishly and tries to hug me. I give him an awkward side hug and he kisses my cheek. I cringe inwardly when his lips touch my face. A year ago, I craved his touch and his kiss. Now, I crave someone else.

  “You look amazing. You’ve lost weight.” Another shit thing about Justin, he was always on me about what I was eating. He would always order me what he called a healthy choice when we went out to eat somewhere. I know I am a larger girl, and I did not need him, of all people, to point that out to me.

  “Why are you here Justin?” I am ready for him to get this over with as quickly as I can.

  I have mixed emotions about seeing him today. I miss the easy friendship we once shared. It wasn’t always perfect but he was there for me through the rough stuff growing up when my dad would let me down, which was pretty much always.

  “We can talk over lunch. I’m famished.” He rubs his hands over his washboard abs. Abs that once upon a time I would have loved running my hands over. Justin never turned down a blowjob from me, but he never was keen on returning the favor. Maybe if I had a dick for him he would have.

  He takes my hand in his as if it is the most natural thing in the world. For most of my life, it was, but now his touch feels wrong. Bringing him here feels weird. I know it must sound silly but I feel like this place is Luke’s and we are only friends but I feel like it’s wrong to bring another man to his place. The place we once shared a brief kiss.

  I don’t see Luke but I see Stixx and she is giving me the stink eye. We take a seat at a table and Justin is scanning the menu. Eventually she comes over to take our order. Justin tries to order a salad for me and I cut him off right there. He looks a bit perturbed but he doesn’t comment. I get my usual burger and Justin orders chicken strips.

  “Okay so you needed to see me,” I state, clearly letting Justin know I am ready for him to get to the point of why he is here.

  “You have no idea how good it is to see you, Izabella.” He tries to take my hand again and I pull it back. I don’t know what he is playing at. I remember what kind of man he is.

  “Justin, cut the shit. It’s been months without a word and now you are suddenly here, sending me mixed signals. I don’t know what you want or expect from me.”

  He waits until Stixx serves us our drinks before he answers me.

  “I want you back, Izzy. I’m here because I fucked up. I was confused. I was scared. My father was breathing down my neck and you were always hounding me to take steps I wasn’t ready for. Toby was there for me and he didn’t put pressure on me. That night when you walked in that was the first time he had ever made a pass at me. I was stunned, then you walked in, and you never gave me a chance to explain. I know how it looked, but it was a kiss that meant nothing.”

  “Nothing. It meant nothing,” I grit through my teeth, not wanting anyone to hear what I am about to say. “He’s my brother! How can you call that nothing? And the stories he told about the two of you going behind my back for months—I suppose that was nothing too. I don’t know why I even agreed to see you today.” Memories of his transgressions flood me and bring back my hurt and my anger.

  Stixx brings over our food, eyeing us. I know she was trying her best to overhear our conversation. She stands lurking at our table waiting for an introduction maybe, I don’t know, but I am not in the mood for pleasantries right now. “Thanks Stixx, that will be all for now.” I smile weakly at her, hoping she takes the not so subtle hint.

  She nods, winks, and goes to wiping down the tables beside of us. I mean really Stixx? I know what you are doing. And honestly I can’t blame her. I know she is looking out for Luke but we are just friends. But I guess I’d be a liar if I said that I didn’t feel that there could be more between us.

  “It meant nothing. He was just using me to hurt you. I love you Izzy. I’m here to take you home with me.”

  “Are you delusional? I’m never going back there or anywhere with you.” Why would I take him back? He screwed my brother for crying out loud! I don’t buy a thing he is saying. Toby told everyone how I was an idiot and that whenever I would leave the room they would be touching and kissing. Toby flat out told me they had sex on numerous occasions. The thought makes me sick. How could Justin do that? Have his tongue down my brother’s throat and then mine moments later. I suddenly feel sick thinking about it all over again. It’s like I have made out with my brother through association.

  “Hey Stixx, I’ll take a beer.” I need a drink, a strong drink. “No wait, I think I’ll have a Jack and Coke instead.”

  “You don’t drink Izzy,” Justin says, thinking he knows me better than I know myself. Eight months ago, that might have been true.

  “I do now,” I mutter.

  Luke emerges from the back carrying cases of beer. He sees me and smiles widely. Then he looks to Justin and his smile falls. Seeing that look on his face makes me feel like shit. I never should have brought Justin here. Luke puts the beer down and I wave at him with a tigh
t-lipped smile. Justin doesn’t even notice.

  Luke asks Stixx something his eyes never leaving mine. Stixx whispers something in his ear. She hands him my drink and he brings it over to the table.

  “Hey Iz,” God, his tongue hangs on the Z making me grin. I love that sound when it comes from his lips. Then he does something completely unexpected. He says, “Baby, I wasn’t expecting to see you until I got off later.”

  I am confused by his words and stunned into silence when he crashes his mouth down to mine. I see sparks dancing behind my eyelids. I am quite sure lightning just struck my panties and disintegrated them. His tongue invades my mouth and I let it. He takes complete control, devouring every inch of my mouth with his. I easily forget that my ex-boyfriend is watching our display. Luke’s hands are fisted in my hair as he continues to kill me slowly with this torturous kiss. A purr escapes my throat when he finally lets me go to catch his breath.

  “Fuck, that turned me on!” I hear Stixx say, slapping her hand down on the bar.

  “Oh, hey man. I’m Luke.” He sticks his hand out to Justin and winks at me. I don’t know what to do or say. I am afraid if I move I might be stuck to my chair. I have never been so damn wet in all of my life.

  Justin swallows hard, but takes Luke’s hand and shakes it. “I didn’t know Izabella was seeing anyone.”

  “Iz likes to keep me to herself if you know what I mean man.” He smacks him on the back, as if they are buddies. What in the hell is Luke doing?

  “Um, Luke can I talk to you in private for a minute?”

  “Whatever you want sweetheart. She can’t keep her hands off me,” Luke says to Justin, shrugging as I pull him toward the back near the bathrooms.


  Izzy jerks me into the hallway and lets go of my hand once we are out of sight from the bar. “What was that?” She is flailing her arms around and pacing. Her breasts are bouncing and it is so damn sexy seeing her so animated.

  “That was me being your friend, Izzy. That is clearly your ex and I’m not sorry I kissed you. I didn’t see you pulling back from me.” I am tired of fighting my pull to her. I want her and I want her to know it.

  She stops and stares at me intensely. “No, I didn’t but Luke, I don’t think either of us are ready to go there yet.”

  “I know you are scared Izzy, but I am not going to pretend I don’t want to try for you. So do with that what you will. I care about you.” I kiss her hard and full of passion. She kisses me back and I swear my toes curl when she leans into me and wraps her arms around my neck. Her tongue wraps around mine as she sucks and twirls her tongue with mine—simply perfect. She sucks on my bottom lip before pulling back.

  “What do you want from me Izzy?” I ask her, unable to breathe. I want her so bad.

  “I don’t know,” she says while touching her lips. I nod and I leave her standing in the hall and go back to work.

  The bar isn’t busy right now so I have to busy myself with little things to keep from spying on Izzy and that dickhead who had hurt her. I go around to all the tables, avoiding Izzy at all cost and gather up the salt and peppershakers to fill them. I put myself out there for her, now it is up to her whether she wants to do anything about it.

  I get the shakers lined up on the bar and can’t help but steal glances at her table. She is talking to her ex and it looks to be heated. I can’t tell what is going on between them. Stixx said she doesn’t think the guy has a chance at getting Izzy back, but I know they share a long history and that is something I can’t compete with. All I have is a bad reputation.

  A regular at the bar asks for the house beer twice before I even register what he is saying. I am so distracted.

  “You know if you keep pouring like that, his drink is going to come out of your check.” Stixx nudges my shoulder. I look down to see the beer is running over the glass. “So what’s going on with you and blondie?”

  “Leave it alone Stixx,” I warn. I am really not in the mood right now.

  “Yeah, no. So, you like her. I never thought I’d see the day a woman would get you wrapped.” She is smirking at me.

  “You don’t know what you are talking about.” I cap the shakers and take them back to the tables after getting Joe a new beer.

  I see Izzy hugging that guy out of the corner of my eye and then he leaves, alone. I climb up on stage and check the equipment for tonight’s show. Anything to keep from running over to Izzy and begging her to give me a real chance. I fuck around with a few of the guitars and make sure they are tuned. Once I think it has been long enough for Izzy to be gone, I turn back around to see Stixx waving me over to the bar.

  “Izzy said to tell you to come by her place later,” she says and starts making kissy faces at me.

  “I used to like you,” I tease her.

  “What can I say, I love to annoy you…it’s a gift.”

  “You’ve got plenty of those babe,” Cyber pipes in from the other end of the bar. I didn’t even see him come in. My head is too caught up in Izzy and that damn kiss. I couldn’t stop myself. Seeing her with him and the hurt on her face, I wanted him to see that Izzy sure as hell is doing just fine without him. And a part of me wanted Izzy to know I want her. Fuck the friend shit. I need her to let me in. I had to kiss her again. Kissing her once would never be enough. A thousand kisses couldn’t satisfy my craving for her.


  That kiss with Luke was out of this world. When I pulled him into the hall, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to jump him or smack him. It was just too much at the time though. When I went back to the table, Justin said he had one question for me. He wanted to know if I was happy here and I didn’t have to think about it for even a second, because I am. I love it here and I could never be with Justin again and not because he did what he did, but because I can’t imagine not seeing Luke every day. I’m not sure how it happened or when but he has wormed his way into my heart.

  I am not sure where to go from that kiss, but I know wherever it is, I want to go there with Luke. I just hope he doesn’t hurt me, but I have this gut instinct feeling telling me that he won’t. I don’t think he would have kissed me like that if he was planning to use me. He could have fucked me the night he drove me home but he didn’t. He slept on my couch and was a total genuine guy. He was on his best behavior. The Luke I thought I knew would have banged my brains out and never looked back. He would have been gone first thing, but he wasn’t. He didn’t lay a finger on me and he even tried to cook for me.

  I told Justin that I forgive him and I hope that he finds what he is looking for. I didn’t do it for him. I did it for me. I know I have found what I was looking for. I have found where I belong and I have found great friends and a man that makes me weak in the knees. Luke has a fire burning bright for me and I want to act on it before it fizzles out. I told Stxix to tell Luke to come to my place when he gets off work. I have no idea what to even say to him.

  When I stop at the gate at the resort, Ross is flagging me down from his shack. “This package came for you today.” He opens my passenger door and secures it in the seat for me.

  When I get to my trailer, I take the box inside and open it. My cheeks blush instantly. There is a pink leather bag and the words ‘sensual romance’ is embroidered on the outside. I completely forgot about this. Stixx and Kiki convinced me to become a consultant a few weeks ago when I had a few drinks in me. I need a side job to bring in more money and they convinced me that they would order from me regularly. This is my starter kit for selling women’s sex toys, lotions and the like.

  I can’t believe I agreed to this. I don’t have any personal experience with any of it and now I think I can sell it. I shake my head and sit the bag on the table. It’s staring at me, beckoning me to open it and investigate the products but I can’t bring myself to do it just yet.

  Thirty minutes and two beers later, I still can’t do it. I know I am being juvenile. I mean Justin and I never had sex but we did fool around. And hell, I have watched skinemax. Thi
s shouldn’t be so embarrassing. A knock on my door has me trying to shove the bag anywhere, out of sight. But it’s too late. Luke can see me through the screen door acting like an idiot. He is standing there chuckling at me.

  “Come in,” I tell him, fully dying now. I wish I could melt into the floor. He walks in and the sexual tension radiating between us is smothering. I can’t breathe as his eyes stay locked on mine.

  “Come here,” he growls out the words, his tone husky, thick with lust.

  Instantly my feet are moving me from the couch and into his arms. I let the bag fall to the floor. “You wanted to see me?” he raises a brow at me.

  “Yes,” I breathe out in a shallow breath. I feel engulfed by his stare right now. I am standing toe to toe with him, chest to chest. His jaw is pressed against mine. If he doesn’t kiss me soon I might die of anticipation.

  He takes the shell of my ear between his teeth and sucks tenderly. Whatever was left of my panties, I am sure the scrap of fabric has disappeared.

  “I’m going to kiss you Izzy and I’m not going to stop kissing you until you beg me to stop.”

  I can only nod my head in response, because if I speak right now I will say something stupid and embarrassing. He kisses along my jawline, licking and tasting his way to my lips. His lips finally meet mine and he owns me completely in this moment. He walks me backwards to the couch. My hands are yanking at his shirt. God, I need this shirt off! I want to feel his heated skin pressed against mine.

  We are tangled in one another lying on the couch, still kissing frantically. His hand moves up my shirt and he squeezes my breast gently. “Oh God, yes. Touch me Luke,” I say between kisses.

  He shoves the cup of my bra down, rolling the pad of his thumb over my nipple. My fingers are pawing at his back, digging my nails in his smooth skin, needing to feel him closer to me.